The ramp-friendly wheelbarrow Easebarrow was designed with the Indian labor market in mind. Because of the creative body design, which guarantees a horizontal orientation, moving on ramps and uneven surfaces is made easier. Its well designed ergonomic handle improves both comfort and functionality.

Through the smooth integration of form and function, this product showcases a dedication to the advancement of ergonomic solutions. This design helps to create a more productive and healthy staff in addition to meeting immediate demands. 

Fruit Packaging Design

Creativity and Ideation 

A fruit package for Dragon Fruit by paper boat for a hospitalized patient

In this project we have created a modern day package for Dragon fruit accommodating the shape of the fruit, and also developing the visual elements such way that the package conveys the freshness of the fruit

Guided by - Dr. Shanu Sharma


Speaker - Form from fragrance 

Fragrance - Studio west urban spirit

In this project, we created a speaker by inhaling the scent of a fragrance. The final design was derived on our experience after inhaling each fragrance's node and ideating

Guided by - Dr. Shanu Sharma


Mandala created with the spirit and culture of Tripura as inspiration 

Cloth Peg

Rethinking clothes peg shapes and turning them into 3D renders and tangible prototypes