Gaurav Padole

Link to portfolio: GAURAV PADOLE on Behance

SOY (Compensation filing app.)

A systematic strategy for a digital solution to address the issue that people confront when making compensation claims in the forest region.


A report card of your Neta

PUSHTI stands for (Public Unified System for Holistic Tracking and Inquiry)

PUSHTi is a product that helps the Indian voter to select their leader by analyzing the past performance or contribution in the social development in constituency.

PUSHTI is a digital platform for bridging the gap between the voters and their elected leaders, which could further be used to map the progress report of a leader for the public to access during elections.


A Tessellation (or Tiling) is when we cover a surface with a pattern of flat shapes so that there are no overlaps or gaps.

In this tessellation, a single tile is made up of two dogs and two bighorn sheep.

Transliteration to Indic script

Illustrated Poem book design in Indic script

The poem Book is design for the childrens having age between 7-13.

Logo Designing

Worked on the identity design of Nagpur Metro.